So long, farewell! Judah and the Lion finished at Kentucky Center - Paristown Hall on October 5, 2022
Judah and the Lion is now showing at Paristown Hall
Judah and the Lion

So long, farewell! Judah and the Lion finished at Kentucky Center - Paristown Hall on October 5, 2022
Judah and the Lion is now showing at Paristown Hall
Why see Judah and the Lion?
The Process Tour
The musical city of Nashville is synonymous with country music, yet fun-loving alt-folk-pop trio Judah and The Lion burst out of their hometown with a genre-bending sound in 2011, mixing an upbeat flurry of folksy mandolin, hip-hop beats, driving rock and roll drums and deftly-written pop mega hooks. Don't miss them in 2025 on their 'The Process Tour'!
Judah and the Lion released their fourth full-length album Revival in 2022 with renewed energy and spirit. With a sterling track record, the young band continues to go from strength to strength, we can't wait to see what the future lies in store for Judah and The Lion!
Upcoming Performances
Customer reviews
Amazing Show in Chicago 11/2/19
Judah and the Lion/ Flora Cash